DJ Grandma Jean

Audio Downloads

Between 1986 though the early 1990's, Grandma and Grandpa would record cassette tapes featuring family updates, stories, songs from records Grandma found at garage sales and more. They would mail them across the country as a way to connect with the family. You can listen to some of those tapes, including Grandpa Earl's infamous haunted Halloween house, here.

Cassette Tapes

Christmas Music

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer


Performed by Gene Autry


If It Doesn't Snow on Christmas


Performed by Gene Autry


Frosty the Snowman


Performed by Gene Autry and the Cass County Boys


God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman


Also includes Joy To The World performed by THE CAROLEERS with The Peter Pan Orchestra with an appearance by Santa Claus.


A Chipmunk Christmas


A story about Alvin and his harmonica and the true meaning of Christmas.  Record features characters from Alvin and the Chipmunks.


Grandpa Earl's Haunted House

Listen to Grandpa Earl's sound effects come to life in this not-so-scary haunted house Halloween adventure that he created at home and then sent to a young Dustin on the east coast. Below are two separate greetings played before the actual haunted house recording.

The tapes concluded with two of Grandpa Earl's favorites recordings of John Philip Sousa's famous marches.


Those Guys Can Sing!

New York, New York

Listen to Grandpa Earl's recording of Uncle Jack singing New York, New York karaoke-style.

American Idol

Grandpa Earl comments on Uncle Jack's singing abilities.

My Girl

Dustin and Todd serenade the ladies of the past with this classic hit song.

Earl's Accordion

The following are clips of very early phonograph recordings of a young Earl Drorbaugh playing the accordion.

Bugs Bunny & Bozo

The Tortoise and the Hare

Listen as Bugs Bunny and a tortoise put their spin on this classic tail, I mean tale. Who will win the race?

Bozo's Rocket Ship

Fly around the world and learn about different countries and their customs with Bozo the Circus Clown in this recording.

Back at Grandma & Grandpa's

Grandpa Earl's transition from the end of Bozo's Rocket Ship record to a recording of old accordion music.

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